Monday, June 2, 2008


Last night, as is the case most Sunday nights, Mike and Lukas had a pissing match while brushing Lukas' teeth. Now, during the week, things around here are very routine.....rarely a problem at bedtime. But on the weekends when Mike is home, it is ALWAYS a fiasco around here at bedtime. My Grandmother Smith is positive that it has something to do with Lukas paying Michael back for not being here during the week. Anyway, things got heated to say the least, and I really do try to stay out of it because it totally irks me when Mike butts in when I'm trying to dicipline. Well, I could only take so much of it last night and finally spoke up. Needless to say, Mike didn't take well to it. He ordered me to go say goodnight to Lukas, then proceeded to COUNT to ME!! "1..........." was all he got out of his I was SHOCKED!! I said "Now I KNOW that you did not just COUNT to ME!!" God love him. The longer that we are parents, the more that I notice us doing stupid things like this to each other. Sometimes it's hard to differentiate between the adult/child world. He's been forewarned not do it again......or I'll have no other choice than to spank his ass and send him to his

I had to work my big one day a month gig at Standard today. I was done by 10 a.m. then went shopping for our trip to Pocono. I absolutely HATE shopping, and I hate driving around even more. The price of everything has gone up so much that it literally makes me ill. Not looking forward to having to fuel up the truck during our trip. Ugggggh. When we went to Charlotte, NC last May it cost us $800 in gas down and back...and that was when gas was just over $3 a gallon.

Well, suppose I had better go get some dinner going for the Chief before he grounds

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't know why they can't understand that when they are gone all week, we have a routine and they can't just waltz in on the weekend and try to change everything. DUH! I kinda have a similiar issues sometimes, but not nearly as bad. I can't believe he "counted at you" i would have given him a punch right in the you know where....

Have fun in Pocono, if i don't talk to you before you go.