Tuesday, May 27, 2008

6 Quirky Things About Me.....

My friend, Sarah Graham, has tagged me for a '6 Quirky things meme'Da Rules:

* Link the person who tagged you. (mine is on the side of my blog)
* Mention the rules in your blog.
* Tell about six unspectacular quirks of yours.
* Tag a new set of six following bloggers by linking them: 6 quirky things about me:

6 Quirky Things About Me:

1. Michael and I do not share blankets. I have now, and always have had, my own set of blankets that consist of a sheet, a comforter and a quilt. They are tattered, torn and ohhhh soooo comfy! On the rare occasions that we make our bed, these blankets get folded together as if they were one blanket. I say on the "rare occasions" that we make our bed because when I get out of it in the morning, Michael is usually ready to crawl into it for the day.

2. I love Spaghetti O's but HAVE to eat them with a plastic spoon, otherwise they taste like tin to me.

3. I love music of all types.....but oddly enough, I am also a "Fanilow"....a Barry Manilow fanatic! I am also a huge fan of Neil Diamond and would give anything to see either of them in concert!

4. I am absolutely addicted to the video game "Guitar Hero". We bought it for Jake for his 13th b-day.....and I am proud to say that I use it more than he does! For my 33rd b-day, Mike bought me the "Rock Band" set which consists of the guitar, drums and microphone for karaoke....and again...I am proud to say that I am damn good at all of them!

5. I love to be touched....by anyone....anytime. Of course I love when my husband touches me....I make him "tickle me softly" on my back, arms, etc. But I also LOVE to have my head rubbed by my cousin Heidi when she does my hair (she's my personal stylist :-) . Some people, like my sister-in-law, Chris, CRINGE when people touch her. Not me! I thrive on it!

Oh my Lord is this hard.....lol. I thought I'd be able to ramble about myself for ages, but can't seem to find anything else "quirky" about me. Does this mean that I am boring or damn near perfect? LOL!! I am drawing a total blank!! I'll have to think about #6 and let you know later. Right now, I have to get ready to go to my monthly PTO meeting.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

So you don't think your "hamburger thing" isn't quirky LMAO.... j/k LOVE YA!