Monday, July 21, 2008

So....I'm not a beautician!!

I got the clippers out last night to give Lukas a hair cut. He was in desperate need of one, and quite honestly, things are very tight around here thought I would save $10 and do it myself. I should know better. All went well until I got to the "bangs". That always throws me for a loop. Mike doesn't have any bangs....or much hair at all, for that I don't ever have to fart around with bangs. So I start snipping away at them....and Lukas is FREAKING out! He was covered in hair and even had it in his mouth....and hating every second of sitting there. Oddly enough, when he goes to Heidi's or Sportsmans for a cut...he sits nice and still. a spur of the moment decision, I decided "Piss on it!", and buzzed the bangs right off. He now has a buzz cut and looks SOOOOO much like his dad!! I figured as long as I had the clippers out, I'd give Mike a buzz too. Here's the finished product:

Lukas seems to be pretty cool with the idea that he has practically no hair now.....but I'm not sure that I am cool with it. I tend to get nauseous when I think about it, or see just how short it is! I know that it will grow I'm just hoping that it doesn't grow back all "fuzzy" know....that growing out look.

Jake has been gone for almost a week. He spent a few days at the cottage with Gert last week, came home on Thursday, then left again on Friday to go with his Grandma and Grandpa Nadelen. He's not due back 'til tomorrow. It's nice that he's with them.....though it was HIS idea, not theirs. Not sure if he'll see the sperm donor this weekend. He usually doesn't bother to go see Jake, even when he knows that he's up to his parents house. Idiot.

Our truck will FINALLY be done this week. It's been almost 2 months since the engine blew on our way to Pennsylvania. It'll seem so nice to have 2 vehicles again. I've been having to share mine with Mike, which hasn't been too bad, I guess. He keeps gas in that's a good thing! But, wouldn't you know that one vehicle will finally be up to snuff....mine is having problems again. I have a bad right, front wheel bearing....again. Just replaced it last year. So now we have to shell out MORE money to fix this problem. Ugggggggh. It's never ending, I swear.

I have been making plans for August camping now that we'll have a truck again! We'll be going to our old stomping ground, Happy Hollow, for the weekend of August 15th-17th. The following Thursday, we are taking the kids to Water Safari for the day, then on Friday the 22nd we take the camper back down to Westcott's for a long weekend. Not sure what else we have planned. I know that we're going to Old Forge again in September and October to camp as we weren't able to get reservations there this summer.

Well, got to go clean up the kitchen from dinner and get Lukas ready for bed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Reminds me of some of John's haircuts i've done, as long as the baldness is even i figure i've done my job, LMAO. Awesome about getting the truck fixed. We've been doing a lot of chatting about our camping next year, we are getting a camper come hell or high water next year. I'll call you sometime and we can chat it up, John agreed we should start buying the "accesories" as we see stuff on sale/clearance, so i gotta make a list of stuff i'm gonna need for it, i dont' want to haul stuff from the house all the time. Anyway totally off topic, as usual, call ya later.